Ekosystemet skogen har idag få områden där det kan visa upp sig med naturens egen värdighet.
Den politiskt starkt inflytelserika, påtryckande skogvirkesbranschen har under ca 60 år, låtit utveckla skogsbruket, så att det har förenklat och med ca 200-600 år förkortat och avbrutit skogsekosystemens inslag av biologiska cykler.
Med ca 7 % formellt skyddad produktiv skog i landet och en ständigt ökande virkesefterfrågan letar vi efter spillrorna av de sista skyddsvärda naturskogarna.
Leif Danielson
Naturskyddsföreningen i Ale
Reservaten i södra Risveden
Risveden av riksintresse för naturvård och friluftsliv
Naturarvet - Ett klick for skogen - har räddat Iglekärrs gammelskog, Solliden, Verleskogen och Skarnhålan i Risveden!
Allt om tjädern
Facts about Verle's old growth forest 85 hectares.
Located in Verle within the City Council of Ale (approximately 50 km northeast of Gothenburg).
The forest mainly consists of old pine and spruce trees with some birch and juniper together with occasional oak and alder. The forest has three small lakes and a few smaller springs. A large part of the forest is classified as a "high nature value" according to a survey by The Swedish National Board of Forestry. A "naturvärdesobjekt" is a forest with ecological values. According to the City Council of Ale, this forest has unique natural and biological values. - The local environmental group (SNF in Ale) has worked for more than 20 years trying to protect it. This forest is a very important habitat for a wide range of bird species, -more than 54 different bird species have been spotted. Amongst these are black grouse, capercaillie, cuckoo, osprey as well as many different species of owls and woodpeckers and many others. These birds need this forest for survival. Many endangered plant species has been spotted.
The forest is very beautiful and easy to walk through and important for recreational purposes.
Now saved forever as a Nature Reserve.
Now also Iglekärr, Solliden and Skarnhålan old growth forests. See "Naturreservaten".
VgOf, Västergötlands Ornitologiska förening
Jukkas bilder
Abborresjöns fiskevårdsförening